Replay Badge Costs

Replay Badges are new items in the Marketplace that allow anyone to reset their instance loot lockouts. There is no limit to how many Badges you can purchase in the Marketplace. Legendary players receive 150 Replay Badge each month. There is no limit to how often you can unlock a specific instance. Replay Badges are per account, not per character.

Replay Badge Costs

100 SC/$1 USD – 25 Replay Badges
500 SC/$5 USD – 150 Replay Badges
1000 SC/$10 USD – 350 Replay Badgets
Duo – 12 Replay Badges to reset
Alert – 29 Replay Badges to reset
Raid – 87 Replay Badges to reset

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12 Responses to Replay Badge Costs

  1. jai cee says:

    so does this mean that in you could constantly re run raids and in theory purchase a full set of T4 armour thats so not cool if thats the case

  2. Gdizzle says:

    Pah – barely get the whole lot done in a week anyway – I hate work

  3. Arcano says:

    I find that this will be helpful and push more people into buying legendary. This might be the only reason I even consider doing it monthly, but once thats done the game will feel like there is nothing to it. Also I cant wait til the Skeets Emporium comes into play, I dont want to waste 10 on switching my movement!

  4. Servan says:

    this update ruins the game for me.. I worked my ass off to get to the point i am now, and now people can just rerun as much as they like, so they can be at my lvl in a matter of weeks..? Sony, this is just pure greed!

  5. Scarecrow says:

    Where in the marketplace do u buy these from for some reason i cant seem to find them

  6. jeremeyes says:

    I think it’s funny that people are crying about this. $100 would get you 400 marks of war running gates over and over but I think the amount of people willing to pay that instead of just waiting like most people will be pretty few and far between.

  7. Robert S.. says:

    U R forgetting… for those of you who think it’s some form of cheating… The guy that uses the badges HAS to spend the EXACT same amount of time doing ALL the missions AGAIN and AGAIN to get to the SAME place you R…. it’s just You saved the $100…. because you were willing to wait to re-run… so where is Sony messing up again… it’s not like buying Marks… you still have to beat the BOSS each time for every mark earned… peace.

  8. How get more replay badges if you all of them, want kind of mission I need to do to earn relay badges

  9. The screen some of the words are to little, if play the game to long reading everything your eyes began to flash

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