Themyscira Oathbound

There are 4 collections items in this Briefing.

  1. Wonder Woman 1

    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 1 Wonder Woman 1  image 2756 thumbnail
    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 1 Wonder Woman 1  image 2757 thumbnail
  2. Wonder Woman 2

    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 2 Wonder Woman 2  image 2758 thumbnail
    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 2 Wonder Woman 2  image 2759 thumbnail
  3. Wonder Woman 3

    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 3 Wonder Woman 3  image 2760 thumbnail
    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 3 Wonder Woman 3  image 2761 thumbnail
  4. Wonder Woman 4

    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 4 Wonder Woman 4  image 2762 thumbnail
    Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, step 4 Wonder Woman 4  image 2763 thumbnail

Additional Information

  • Genius comments: We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Dementol for sending us the screenshots.
Type: Briefing
City: Raid
Zone: Gates of Tartarus


Comedy Face

Briefing: Themyscira Oathbound, rewards image 2764 thumbnail
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One Response to Themyscira Oathbound

  1. Excivea says:

    hi whats the name of the back style the hands and the feet style?

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