Steelworks Tour Guide

There are 10 collections items in this Collection.

  1. Steelworks: Helicpoter Pad
  2. Steelworks: Assembly Plant
  3. Steelworks: Testing Range
  4. Steelworks: Main Gate
  5. Steelworks: STAR Labs Research Station
  6. Steelworks: Safety Control Unit
  7. Steelworks: Quality Control
  8. Steelworks: Production Plant
  9. Steelworks: Plasma Reactor
  10. Steelworks: Smoke Stacks

Additional Information

  • Genius comments: We would like to thank Starbuk for all information.
Type: Collection
City: Metropolis
Zone: Steelworks


Base Amenity: Sparring Target

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One Response to Steelworks Tour Guide

  1. Msaliti says:

    I made a map of locations of all spawnpoints I’ve encountered. Spent the whole evening on this.

    Works for all 3 Steelworks collections.
    It may be not contain EVERY spawnpoint, just ones I’ve seen. Some appear less often that the others.
    Managed to gather all of 3 collections in one day.

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