There are 9 collections items in this Collection.- GCPD File: Detective Josephine Macdonald
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - GCPD File: Commissioner Michael Atkins
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - GCPD File: Detective Romy Chandler
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - GCPD File: Lieutenant Ron Probson
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - GCPD File: Officer Jim Corrigan
- GCDP File: Detective Harvey Bullock
- GCPD File: Detective Crispus Allen
- GCPD File: Former Detective Renee Montoya
- GCPD File: Detective Marcus Driver
| Type: Collection | City: Gotham | Zone: East End, Burnley |
just finished this one, dont remember where the last ones are but the place i was at was near the light tower and docks in gotham, the reward was a Detective Coat ^^ fits perfectly with my fedora too hehe
where did you get the fedora?
thanks heaps
sorry to bother again but where can i find 7.GCPD File: Detective Crispus Allen?
Where did u find GCPD File: Former Detective Renee Montoya I can’t find it anywhere?
that’s cause it is the rare one
I have an extra one if you want to make a trade. My character name is Miami Maverick. I need Bullock.
Yeah me 2 Renee must be a rare 1 i actually bought 1 of each at broker for 100 but it would be nice to get a known location spot like the rest
Okay, so last night I finally got this one, but it was tough! The character I wanted to have the Detective Trench had all but Renee Montoya despite the consistent trolling I had him doing through East End and Burnley. I switched to a different character, and one one circuit she obtained the Renee collectible.
Since I really wanted the other hero to have it, I researched a couple of ways to transfer un-equipped items. Previously, I had been unaware that you can e-mail items to other characters of yours on the same server but that works fine. Alternatively, you can place items in the Shared Bank in the Watchtower for other characters of yours on the same server to grab.
In and around East End and Burnley, there were key areas for spawning these items.
1. Behind East End Station. There is an alley behind East End PD where a blue Briefing token is located. This is a regular spawning point as is the area in back of East End PD. Also, there is a small building through the alley with a spawning point on top. An item also spawns occasionally near the shipping containers by another blue Briefing item.
2. Cape Carmine Lighthouse. Behind the lighthouse near the kiosk location. Also up near the Bane mission entry point as the above screen cap indicates. Across the street on the front of the building facade and on top of the adjacent building nearer the water and in the alley between.
3. Freighters. Items spawn on and behind the crowsnests of the two ships.
4. Soder Cola. Check the alleys, buildings, and fire-escapes around the Soder Cola building.
5. Crime Alley. Not actually in Crime Alley, but in an old factory building across the street (looks kinda like a church.) Look on the rooftop, near a lighted doorway on the roof below the gantry, and do a perimeter sweep all around the base of the building.
6. Cocktail Row. Look for the pink and yellow neon signs on this small row of buildings near East End PD. There is a blue Briefing token on top of the pink sign. Look behind the “pink” building on the side near the el; there is a small chain-link fenced area with a blue briefing token. Directly across the street underneath the el is an alley which is a regular spawning point as well as on top of the adjacent building.
Hopefully, I can get some screen caps and maps to go with all the wordy goodness above. Happy hunting!
BTW- I don’t know if this helps because these things seem to spawn at random, but I finally found the Renee Montoya item on top of the Soder Cola building.
haha.. i spent 6 hours finding Renee Montoya… not fun, they said it was around the lighthouse where the bane mission is but i keep getting the other GCPD files…
So I still need renee Montoya were is he/ she found most please respond.
i just found the renee 1 FINALLY facing the back of the soder cola sign, turn right u see two buildings go on the 1 to the right where the roof looks like 3 stairs its on that 1.
I found all this collection set in east end in 5 hours 🙂 Renee was the fourth one I picked up its by the soder cola factory like they said, I also found the Arkham badge near it
Most of the Renee Montoyas I found spawned around the Soder Cola building but I think I turned up one in the alley behind East End PD and one in the alley between the condos near the entrance to the sewers/Scarecrow mission. I’ve got a number of ’em in reserve now!
do u still have some in reserve
Kind of hard to follow the pictures since they are so dark, I know it’s Gotham but come on.
Don’t follow the screenshots for collections, the spawn points are random. They just gave some location, but it doesn’t mean that you will find anything there.
It’s Bullock I’m having a hard time with. Everyone else too, it seems, as that’s the only GCPD file that sells for over 2k on the market.
Found Bullock in the alleyway across the street from the Soder Factory–just east. Hit the same spawn point twice, first time got a street sign, second time got Bullock.
Oops! I meant WEST!
(Found him looking for Montoya, my only holdout…)
Just checked at the broker and Montoya’s file is going for upwards of 50K!
(…I might be at this a while…)
Wow, this is beyond ridiculous!
I’m still looking for the last file–Montoya’s, have gotten duplicates aplenty of all the others, and have wasted hours on a novelty item that doesn’t hike stats.
As a credit to everyone else, you were all extremely helpful and spot on in figuring out the circuit for this–(Special thanks to Grrrr) But I’ve filled my inventory three times with collections in the Soder Factory area to come up nada.
And when I say hours, I’m talking about daily for weeks!
Just got it, and, imagine! It only took a couple of months! =P
(Found it on top of one of the ships.)
The way the files spawn is completely random within East End and Burnley, so any yellow Collection token has just as much as a change to get a file, as any other.
Just in front and to the left of the Carmine Lighthouse, there’s a group of short brick buildings. Between the buildings, and the alley between them, there are 3-4 yellow tokens that respawn in the are. I sat there for a few hours, grabbing them every time they spawned, and eventually got Montoya and everyone else. Also completed two other collections in the process. That simple.
i need 2 more bullock and macdonald need help plz
I don’t know if you still need it but I have 3 Harvey Bullock Files I found while looking for Montoya
I’m willing to trade you MacDonald or Montoya (or both) for Bullock. — Miami Maverick
i tried what clerk said but does not work i only find one
Like, I said, it takes a while. There are at least 2 other collections you can get. I got EVERY SINGLE file in that exact spot.
And the building I’m talking about are to the left if you’re looking from the light house. If you’re looking at it, its the buildings to the right. Its not that hard, just takes patience and time.
Just completed for a second time w/ a different toon. Found the Montoya file in the exact same place, on top of one the buildings to the west of the lighthouse, next to a small water tower. Along with 4 other sets, tech vanguard, NML gang patches, Joker cards, and Gotham meet ups, and 5 stacks of exos.
Check by all the floating brainiac ships in Gotham
Is there anyone here who still has an Renee Montoya file that I can buy/trade??
Tried this with multiple characters but no luck as of yet. Only premium member so not too expensive please
PSN: HollowxIchigo15
Hero: Knight Widow
EU PS3 Server
Never Mind I found it near the lighthouse in the alley when I went looking for it last night
I have an extra Montoya, MacDonald, and Driver if anyone is interested. Willing to trade for Bullock.
You know going around trying to track these things down using this page and it is completely wrong I just went to number 4 to get Lieutenant Ron’s file and instead it gave me Detective Marcus’s which I already had. Thanks for nothing.
I was actually about to give up and just buy the last two files I needed (Josephine and Renee). So instead I decided to work on some investigations. Guess what I found? The Renee file, completely by accident, while looking for the Serrated Icicle for the Frozen Heart investigation. It was on the very same building almost right beside the icicle. (Should note, I’m a hero, so I went for the outdoor location mentioned in the Frozen Heart guide.) Hope that helps for those of you looking to camp it. Happy hunting.
To Valdisi: Some of the spawns share their spots with other files, or completely separate collections all together, it’s a problem I’ve had as well. That also means the spot I just named, may not ALWAYS give the Renee file, but has a chance to.