There are 6 collections items in this Briefing.- Punchline II: Vicki Vale
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Punchline II: Uncle Jingles
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Punchline II: Commissioner Gordon
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Punchline II: Lucius Fox
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Punchline II: Batman
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Punchline II: Joker
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
Additional Information
- Evil Genius comments: All collection items in this Briefing are located inside two mini instances; “Special Crimes Unit” and “East End Regal Hotel”. Both of these are part of Villains’ Joker Mission (not sure whether Heroes have missions in here as well), but you can enter them without having the quest. Be careful because you will need to be at least level 15 to solo defeat the mobs inside and the last fight against Batman. (bringing a friend along would also be a viable option)
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. | Type: Briefing | City: Gotham | Zone: East End |
heroes do have these missions, they are able to enter and collect the briefings
as of 2014 your comment has been invalid,heroes CAN NOT complete punch line episode 2
Yes we can. Noob.
For heroes who do you have to see or where do you have to go to get these missions?
I believe you can find this in the East End and just use the portal to enter. I have all but two of the items and my metor is Batman. i am currently level 30 but I started this one back as level 15. I don’t remember who you see, but if you search the map I think the entrance to Regel Hotel is listed. You will see a bunch of people in evening wear outside the hotel.
You gotta have either Joker or Batman as mentor. Otherwise you’ll have to find someone who does to get in there.
and since we can’t speak with villains, need to have a friend via skype/etc that plays the game to tell him to enter you
lol so pathetic and ridiculous
PS i cant see the entrances as hero
when do u get em I’m batman lvl 21 and haven’t been sent to either?
how long after doing these do you get the item i have finished these and still no fedora in the mail ive even checked and it says i have all 6
do you get them as hero or villain? cuz i cant see the entrances as hero
First you need Batman as mentor. If you have that, and still can’t see it, you’re probably missing the lower level mission right before it. I just figured that out, and defeated Joker :p
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have such a short timer on the 2nd device you need to disable and such a long time when you try to disable???!
Heroes only can do “Punchline Episode: 1” and “Punchline Episode 3”.
Villians do 2 and 4
Heroes have 1, 2 and 3….
I have done esp one as a villain. Got the last 3 of this one as a LL mentor villain because of the 2nt one is a t3 challenge.
Seems to be some confusion here. The “Special Crimes Unit” and “East End Regal Hotel” instances are available to heroes. You need to have Batman as a mentor, or have a friend with Batman as a mentor to let you in. If you have Batman as a mentor and cannot yet see the entrances to these instances, you’ve not yet completed all the prerequisites. I have just confirmed this in game.
There are 4 Punchline episodic briefings collections, and all 4 are available to both heroes and villains. There is a 5th briefings collection associated with these. As a hero, completing Punchline Episodes 1 & 3 will also complete this 5th collection (Villains would be episodes 2 & 4).