There are 6 collections items in this Investigation.- Gorillatech Cybergauntlet Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Gorillatech Empathy Helm Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Gorillatech Cloaking Device Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Gorillatech Handblaster Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Gorillatech Transmat Pad Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Gorillatech Flyer Schematic
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
| Type: Investigation | City: Metropolis | Zone: Downtown |
Where is the sixth investigation piece for Heros?
Actually, yes, I found it. Directly East of the old Star Labs building (where they show 5, Gorillatech Transmat Pat Schematic) you will see a building just off to the left, the one with the huge satellite dish on the top, south side of the building. On the same level as the radar dish, on the west side of that section, I found the Gorillatech Flyer Schematic.
Thanx, BIG help 🙂
He has a pic of #6 on the outside, but doesn’t specify it there.
Question why do people who come here looking for help on quest items, knowing that other people are also here looking for the same quest item. Feel the need to come back to this site after they have found the items not listed or shown the locations of by these websites just to brag that they after all did find the items they were looking for but refuse to leave any other info or pictures of the missing quest pieces to help the rest of us lost souls. They take time out of their day to come back and brag to the origional poster that they were able to find what the blogger was not able to, no thank you for the help they did receive just a “neener neener neener I found the item you didnt!”. Well lucky for those types of people there are blogs like this from people who are willing to take time out of there day to post the information to help the rest of us to find those items that can be difficult to locate, making these types of games become frustrating when people get stuck spending hours searching for items only to come up empty. Well on behalf of everyone who has been helped by blogs such as these, during times of frustration, Thank You! For if not for your detailed information and screen shots you up loaded that lead all of us to our missing quest items, there would have been a many PS3s eject out of their living room windows only to end up planted in our front lawns. So again thank you for your help so far with DCUO. And Congratulations to the guy who came back to let everyone know he found the last item in “Tools of the Trade” investigation. I would like to extend a very special thank you to him for being so greedy as to take advantage of all this free info that has been provided to him. His mother must be very proud to know she raised someone so selfish that he only thinks of himself and that the idea of returning the favor of suppling the missing info he managed to come across on him own would never even enter his mind. Way to go, since after all the only thing that matters is your game and that you got what you were after to begin with. By the way thanks for coming back and letting all of us know that you got what you wanted, I know personally that I was practically loosing sleep over the thought of these blogs not able to give you all of the answers you seek!
can someone please either post a picture or leave a description of where the 6th piece is located for heroes?
Read the comments.
ok Everyone I found it and since no one wants to help I Will my DCUO Screen name is spiritsoul and You can find the sixth piece near old star labs face the front of old star labs then I want you to tke a right Directly 2 buildings down its on the top of that building there should be a White square on your map there in case you get confused. SO OVERALL MAP, WHITE SQUARE 2 BUILDINGS TO YOUR RIGHT if you think of it as chess face star labs and you would make an L shape the way a Knight would.
SpiritSoul, thank you. I could not figure it out for the life of me. It took a minute to realize you meant go right on the map and not towards Centennial Park, but thank you so much, I would have gone nuts looking for it or thinking I couldn’t get in the building to get it.
Thank you.
how i do if my mentor is Batman? cant enter old STAR labs