Levitz Cameras

There are 4 collections items in this Briefing.

  1. Levitz Cameras: Fastest Man

    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 1 Levitz Cameras: Fastest Man  image 797 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 1 Levitz Cameras: Fastest Man  image 798 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 1 Levitz Cameras: Fastest Man  image 799 thumbnail
  2. Levitz Cameras: Optics

    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 2 Levitz Cameras: Optics  image 907 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 2 Levitz Cameras: Optics  image 908 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 2 Levitz Cameras: Optics  image 909 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 2 Levitz Cameras: Optics  image 910 thumbnail
  3. Levitz Cameras: Speeding Bullet

    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 3 Levitz Cameras: Speeding Bullet  image 911 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 3 Levitz Cameras: Speeding Bullet  image 912 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 3 Levitz Cameras: Speeding Bullet  image 913 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 3 Levitz Cameras: Speeding Bullet  image 914 thumbnail
  4. Levitz Cameras: JLA

    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 4 Levitz Cameras: JLA  image 915 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 4 Levitz Cameras: JLA  image 916 thumbnail
    Briefing: Levitz Cameras, step 4 Levitz Cameras: JLA  image 917 thumbnail
Type: Briefing
City: Global
Zone: Global


Sailor’s Tricorn Hat

Briefing: Levitz Cameras, rewards image 918 thumbnail
Briefing: Levitz Cameras, rewards image 919 thumbnail
Briefing: Levitz Cameras, rewards image 920 thumbnail
  • Evil Genius comments: Style “Napoleon” for your head piece.
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6 Responses to Levitz Cameras

  1. Twain says:

    Number 4 was NOT a Brief for me, it was a yellow collection item (Hero, Redemption). It was a Gotham Guardsmen Pennant.

  2. Twain says:

    Correction, I went back and there was the Brief. Weird.

  3. ALF says:

    sometimes briefings despawn and it’s also common for collections to spawn near briefings.

  4. Anak Panah says:

    Pos 1: Speedy Bullet
    Pos 2: Optics
    Pos 3: Fastest Man
    Pos 4 JLA

  5. Jonathan Todd says:

    when you complete all of the Franchise Briefings you get an E-mail from booster with the Steampunk Shoulders style. I took screen shots of the Mail, the style bit, and an inventory shot with me wearing the shoulders if someone will tell me where to upload them to get them on the site

  6. Austin Valadez says:

    The steam punk shoulder can be archived by completing all franchise breifings

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