There are 6 collections items in this Briefing.- Darkness II: Lois Lane
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Darkness II: Jack Ryder
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Darkness II: Jack Ryder
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Darkness II: Lois Lane
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Darkness II: Circe
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Darkness II: Wonder Woman
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
Additional Information
- Evil Genius comments: This Briefing can all be found inside two instances that only Hero magic users can access as part of their level 15 mentor mission. Other heroes might get in if they are invited by those people. Villains can;t access these instances as far as I know. Please correct me if I am wrong. The names of the instances are “Chinatown Electronics” and “Chinatown Cafe”
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. | Type: Briefing | City: Metropolis | Zone: Chinatown |
I’m a villain, and i have 2/6 of this chain, Circe, and Jack Ryder. I’m fairly sure I grabbed them while leveling up, but don’t remember where. Obviously it’s accessible by both factions, otherwise I wouldn’t be 3/4 Hearts of Darkness when I have episodes 1, 3-6 completed and only missing this one….
“Chinatown Electronics” and “Chinatown Cafe” are accessible to villains that got Circe as menthor.
I’m a villain, my mentor isn’t Circe but I am level 30. Would I still be able to access those buildings?
You can as long as someone in your group has Circe as a mentor and enters first, give it a second and the portal will show for you as well. Since it is a mentor chain you can only enter it if you or a member of your group has them as a mentor.
but with such a crap community, that is impossible
i stand for 2 hours, i see at least 12 people enter it i send tells to group me to enter me, no reply from none
My mentor is Circe and I got back into both of these locations after reaching lvl 30 fine. Head to Chinatown (Metropolis) they’re pretty easy to find.
um… yeah, villian magic users get Chinatown Electronics and Chinatown Cafe. just a heads up
i dont get it, i am a level 25 magic villain and i cant find any portal when i get there
When you’re a villain you can indeed enter them, but Chinatown Cafe is called Circe’s Stronghold
It is called Circe’s Stronghold on Hero Side also … i made two W.W. mentored toons after I saw so many people in shout looking for access, people are not usually helpful in that respect but if u need it hit me up on USPC – Professor Rare or Hollichigo Rexasaki
i have a Circe’s mentor but it is not leting me in idk why its not cuz one of your friend has a circe’s mentor and it is not let him in???
Circes stronghold is available as a 1 player instance in the on duty tab. Checking into the other.
OK! Further research turned up this:
Lex Luthor: STARs Research Facility, STARs Secret Lab, Daily Planet/WatchtowerNote: Metropolis University can be accessed as a Lv30 Challenge.
Circe: Sentinels of Magic Base (Chinatown/ “Eye of Sin” quest), Chinatown Cafe (Circe’s Hidden Base), Chinatown Electronics (Circe’s Citadel), CAO Dam (Limbo), Oblivion Bar/ShadowlandsNote: Sentinels of Magic Citadel (Dr. Fate) can be accessed as a Lv30 Challenge
Joker: SCU Police Station, Regal Hotel, Gotham STAR Labs/STAR Labs Satellite/Arkham AsylumNote: Gotham Warehouse (Burnley Shipping Yards) can be accessed as a Lv30 Challenge.
Superman: STARs Research Facility, STARs Secret Lab, Daily Planet/Hall of DoomNote: Gorilla Grodd’s can be accessed as a Duo at Lv30. Addendum: It IS possible to get Solo Feats in Duo Instances. I was able to get the Solo Feat “Eye Blinked” for the OMAC Base Duo. However, it is currently unknown whether this applies to all duos or just this particular one, so YMMV. More testing is required for this particular instance.
Wonder Woman: Chinatown Magic Shop, Chinatown Cafe (Circe’s Hidden Base), Chinatown Electronics (Circe’s Citadel), CAO Dam (Limbo), Oblivion Bar/Shadowlands Note: Manheim Chinese Theater can be accessed as a Lv30 Challenge.
Batman: Gotham City Sewers, SCU Police Station, Regal Hotel, Gotham STAR Labs/STAR Labs Satellite/Undisclosed Location (The Batcave) Note: It may be possible to get the Solo Feats for Gotham City Sewers (The Scarecrow) during the Halloween event (need confirmation). However, this is a seasonal event and shouldn’t be relied on for Solo Feats
The locations in parenthesis can be found in the on duty tabs.
I’m a hero with Wonder woman mentor. If you need help getting into these add me Princess Ryleh. Also I am looking for some one with a Batman mentor if someone would be willing to help me with that.