The Doctor Is In

There are 5 collections items in this Investigation.

  1. Invincible’s Heart Sample Container

    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 1 Invincible's Heart Sample Container  image 125 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 1 Invincible's Heart Sample Container  image 126 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 1 Invincible's Heart Sample Container  image 127 thumbnail
  2. Psionicist’s Brain sample Container

    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 2 Psionicist's Brain sample Container  image 128 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 2 Psionicist's Brain sample Container  image 129 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 2 Psionicist's Brain sample Container  image 130 thumbnail
  3. Cryotechnic’s Lung Sample Container

    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 3 Cryotechnic's Lung Sample Container  image 699 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 3 Cryotechnic's Lung Sample Container  image 700 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 3 Cryotechnic's Lung Sample Container  image 701 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 3 Cryotechnic's Lung Sample Container  image 702 thumbnail
  4. Botanoform’s Pod Sample Container

    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 4 Botanoform's Pod Sample Container  image 703 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 4 Botanoform's Pod Sample Container  image 704 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 4 Botanoform's Pod Sample Container  image 705 thumbnail
  5. Arcanoforms Tongue Sample Container

    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 5 Arcanoforms Tongue Sample Container  image 706 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 5 Arcanoforms Tongue Sample Container  image 707 thumbnail
    Investigation: The Doctor Is In, step 5 Arcanoforms Tongue Sample Container  image 708 thumbnail

Additional Information

  • Genius comments: Three collections are inside Meta Research Wing

Investigation: The Doctor Is In, additional info image 697 thumbnail
Investigation: The Doctor Is In, additional info image 698 thumbnail
Type: Investigation
City: Metropolis
Zone: Little Bohemia


LX-400 Power Choker

Investigation: The Doctor Is In, rewards image 709 thumbnail
Investigation: The Doctor Is In, rewards image 710 thumbnail
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One Response to The Doctor Is In

  1. delicious murder says:

    PLZ HELP! I cannot seem to find the investigation “The color of Danger” on this site or anywhere on the web:((( the ones i do have are Lantern releated.. this is driving me crazy PLZ HELP!

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