Dynasty Couch

Dynasty Couch  image 237 thumbnail

Furniture Category:

Drops from:

  • Doomcrazed Citizen (lvl 30 Trash); found in Smallville Alert
  • Paradox Reaper (lvl 30 Trash); found in Cosmic Treadmill: Flashback, Central City Duo

Compare this furniture item to others from its category:

Brown Paltry Couch
Gray Classic Bed
Gray Classic Couch
Luxury Round Couch
Medical Stretcher
Military Cot
Occult Bed
Playhouse Bed
Red Classic Couch
Red Hammock
White Mystical Bed
Shabby Mattres
Creaky Coffin Bed
King Size Bed
Valentine\’s Heart Bed
Gnarled Couch
Gnarled Bed

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One Response to Dynasty Couch

  1. artemis says:

    and I got Royal Dynasty Bed on Khandaq (novice)

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