There are 6 collections items in this Briefing.- Lois Lane
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Lois Lane (2)
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Jack Ryder
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Serenity
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Lois and Luthor
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. - Lois and Superman
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.  Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.
Additional Information
- Genius comments: We would like to thank Levi for sending us all the screenshots and helping us to update this briefing.
- Genius comments: They are found inside The Daily Planet instance inside the Hall of Doom. You must be menored by Lex Luthor for access, or have a Lex-mentored group member open it for you. The entrance is just below Bizarro in the Meta Wing before you get to the (i believe) Hangar Bay.
- Genius comments: For Hero side visit Legacy of krypton episode IV (Superman)
| Type: Briefing | City: Hall of Doom | Zone: Hall of Doom |
This works for Superman-mentored heroes, as well.
Some of these screenshots are wrong, especially the map screenshots.
It’s too bad these are listed under Hall of Doom when this is clearly the Watchtower.
Definitely need the hero side in the Hall of Doom. I have them all, unfortunately I’m on ps3 so I can’t screenshot them… yet!!
Doing the Hall of Doom version for heroes right now, but defeated Lex before I had them all so I can’t finish it this trip. Hope this isn’t a one time instance so I can go back and get them.
I can’t find the second briefing icon, anyone know where it is?
This is total BS. This is the least Helpful thing I have ever seen. If anyone knows where the Superman and Lois and Brief is for this and can tell me that would be awesome 🙂 Its the only one that I DONT have!
Having trouble finding the 4th one, Serenity, the door leading to that smaller area is blocked, how do I get to the briefing?
I got all six of them. I wasn’t paying attention to the names of them but here they go in order of how i saw them. 1) As soon as you go in the instance turn left and go up the wall its in front of a white computer looking thing. 2) In the same room as the first to the far left of where you fight Steel in front of a hangar door. 3) After you beat Steel and you go in the next area with all the mini robots go to the two broken turrets and you will find it hiding by the wall on the left. 4) This one is in a tree where you fight Zatanna on the left. 5) This one is directly above where you fight Superman in the last room sitting on top of a ledge. 6) The last one is in the last room on the bottom left of where Lex Luthor is. Its behind a red pipe thingy in the little square opening. I have screenshots but its on my ps3. I described the locations as best as i can but if you still cant find them and you’re on the ps3 send me an invite and i will show you. I have two main characters im on Khthonios and XxSiriusxXxBlackxX they are both villians so boo to all you heroes lol.
I know where they are and I have a level 30 Of Which I haven’t done the mission with yet I will Take Screenshots and Contact Evil Genius and See if he can post them for me.
Screenshots have been posted. Thank you. For Hero side visit Legacy of krypton episode IV (Superman)
Here are each of the Hero Ones, I can’t seem to find 6, so If you find it, good job, I did them already so I can’t tell the difference between the Investigations and Briefings.
1. <img src=""
(Map View)<img src=""
2.<img src=""
(Map View)<img src=""
3. [IMG]”
(Map View)[IMG]”
4. <img src=""
(Map View)<img src=""
5. <img src=""
(Map View)<img src=""
6. I will search hard and strong for this one fellow Heros, I am trying my hardest but getting annoyed also,
Evil Genius Would be nice for you to post this for the Heros, thanks bud.
im at the spot where the brief is for the lois an superman but its not here. i try to switch phases but still nothing. can you please tell me where its at its the only one i dont have
4. If your like me and missed serenity before taking out Lex don’t panic just warp to rally. Serenity is located in the area where you can see the plant section of the hall of doom on top of a wall. This area also has 2 barrels some metal crates and a investigation.