There are 6 collections items in this Collection.- Basalt Compounds
- Komatite Compounds
- Diorite Compounds
- Adesite Compounds
- Rhyolite Compounds
- Pegmatite Compounds
Additional Information
- Genius comments: We would like to thank Zegra for the Collection items and screenshots. - Genius comments: Gorilla Island Collection Locations:
1. Yellow- nothing above/visible from the sky
2. Red- there are objects/structures above and below
We would like to thank Abraln for making the location map.
 Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. | Type: Collection | City: Alerts | Zone: Gorilla Island |
Hey i just finished this collection and received two messages in my mail from the “Question” Titled “thar she Blows” & “All about learning” which rewards you the gorilla shoulders and something else. Anyon no what the something else is? When i tryed collecting items from my mail nothing happened… Attachment icon disappeared once i exited msg… if the items arent something i need for feats im not worried… but i can figure out what item is from the second message… maybe something for completing all alert collections?
Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn’t quite a “full walkthrough with screen shots.” Where are the shots of each location?
Maybe you have noticed that collections have random spawn locations and we can’t make the same type of the guides as we made for briefings and investigations.
maybe u didnt notice aswell isnt that random…it change a lil