Here’s a little guide to collect the beautiful and futuristic “Dresden 7” set. It’s a special set since all of it’s part are obtained via briefings and collections.Once completed, you will obtain the 25 point “In the spotlight” feat.
Shoulders: Dying of the Light: Episode 2
Hands: Gotham’s Gang War: Episode 2
Head: Beginning of the End: Episode 2
Chest: Brainiac Incursion
Boots: No Man’s Land
Legs: Alien Technology
Back: Big Belly Burgetime
Waist: Flow of Commerce Master collection:
Gold Quality Boostercomms
Big Belly Burgertime
Bibbo’s Burgers Signature Plates
WayneTech Watches

We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Electric for writing this guide. We think this will be extremely helpful for all of the DCUO community members and we hope you will enjoy it. You can find Electric: Mie @ Bloodstorm EU (Villain)
i’ve been searching for a couple days now for the big belly burgertime collections but cannot find a single one. Is there a certain spot in otisburg i should be looking? a screenshot would help 🙁
Panda, if all else fails, you can always go to the Broker and buy them. Assuming you have the cash, of course.
Which Vendor is it?
I never seen a Vendor selling this.?
He means Broker = Auction house
Quite by accident I stumbled upon 2 Big Belly Burger items one after the other while searching for the OMAC Investigation orbs. I found both the mint cookies and the peanutblaster cookies a ways south of the Knightsdome
Big Belly Burgertime collections drop in Otisburg from Ace Chemicals to the start of Botanic Gardens, Knightsdome to the water. I’ve found they like to drop in succession so if you get one you’ll probably get a second shortly after. You’ll also get loads of Gotham Pennants, Headlines, Guides and Matchbooks.
looking for any one that want to each other getting the armor I just need the legs and belt
Is there a map of the collection re-spawn locations? I’ve been looking for quit a while all over Otisburg. I’ve only ever found 1 and that one was at Ace Chemicals.
Please, PLEASE, we need more detailed styled specific guides like this. This is awesome.
“Panda, if all else fails, you can always go to the Broker and buy them. Assuming you have the cash, of course.”
This was really funny. If the Broker’s had them, I wouldn’t be looking for them in the first place.
7pm found one right at the east end precinct and to the south their was a large crane… found Joker badge both within like 5 mins… wow they are rare..
The Badges are dropped in East End. If u r in my server I’ll gladly hand some duplicates over
Collections are the most frustrating thing in this game.
The waist piece requires completing all 5 briefings?!
Already got the chest, helmet, shoulders, gloves and boots.
I’ll be searching forever in tomorrow district for the leggings : (
dude im looking for that now too if you will tell me your character name if you havent found it i can help you look and if you have then do you recall any of the spawn locations? i am trying to make a “perfect iron man replica” and all i need now are feet and legs i intend to use the dredsen 7 legs but i have taken forever to find them i started searching around the same time as you did…. the 7th of january so if you would, my character name is the same as the name i am posting this comment with add me and contact me if you would…
actually i was misleading in my last comment, my character name has no space between “earth” and “angel”… as it is spelled in this comment so add me please…
What wings are those? I really want to know: in my opinion their the best looking on DCUO.
It is the T2 magic back
For villains
“This was really funny. If the Broker’s had them, I wouldn’t be looking for them in the first place.”
Good thing he wasn’t talking to you Noxx.
I’m also on to looking exclusively for the leggings collection and i found a map someone made of the spawn points for the collection. So far it has found me two pieces.
Here is the URL:,Tomorrow%20Metropolis%20collections.html
Happy fishing!
I’m happy to trade any thing that i might have that may be helpful if you have something I need has well. It Will at swap no money exchanging hands
I used this guide to get Dresden 7 armor for both my Hero and Villian
The Order is Wrong its:
1.Gold Quality Boostercomms
2.Bibbo’s Burgers Signature Plates
3.Big Belly Burgertime
4.WayneTech Watches
On the hunt for Bibbo’s Burgers Signature Plates!
how do you find the names for armor pieces you are looking for in the broker? I’ve been looking for the Dresden 7 chest since I accidently deleted the mail when I got the briefing done to get it.
damn that sucks cuz u can’t trade or sell the Dresden 7 armor so u r screwed.
I cant find the booster comms… the guide says its on midtown, i tried searching on the location but cant find any. One of the replies here said its on metro U near braniac incursion I also looked on the place and didnt find any.
Theres a android app that shows all investigations, briefings and collection spawn spots.
Any apple app out there like this
What about the feet? Where the hell are they???
Im wondering the same thing, i need the feet to complete the feat
Where are the feet located at?