DCUO registers 1 million new players

For anyone that missed DCUO webcast on Justin on November 10th 2011, Executive Producer Lorin “Deadmeat” Jameson announced that DCUO has gotten over a million new players since the implementation of F2P.

“DC Universe Online’s transition to free-to-play has been welcomed by the community and gamers with heroic enthusiasm. In just one week alone, 1 million new players have joined DCUO with a 50/50 split between PC and PS3,” said Lorin Jameson, Executive Director of Development, SOE Austin. “DCUO now joins the ranks of SOE’s other successful free-to-play titles, including Free Realms and Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.”

Jameson added, “Our business model philosophy of Free to Play Your Way makes DCUO accessible to every type of player so they can choose to play the game in a way that suits them best. We have a lot of exciting things coming up for players to enjoy in the game and are thrilled at the initial enthusiasm for the game’s free-to-play transition.”

[Source – gamespress.com]

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The latest update on DCUO queues

Lorin Jameson, DCUO Executive Producer, posted new information about latest improvements in queuing system for Legendary and Premium players:

I wanted to give a quick update on where we stand on the concerns of most interest to the DC Universe Online community. The queues over the weekend where massive. There was a lot of folks knocking on the door and we know the wait could get long. We are working hard to optimize our systems to shorten the wait times and we will be deploying these improvements as we make them. We also had issues with folks getting into the queues after character create without proper notification that they were sitting in a line. We deployed a PC client patch earlier this evening that will address this issue and we will get it out to our PS3 players as soon as we have PlayStation signoff. The PS3 folks have promised a quick turnaround to help out our players. Additionally we have added a fix that should correct a condition that may cause you to not get fully into the game after character select (aka Loading Screen of Death). This is being deployed to our European Servers tonight and to the US Servers during the 4:00AM PT maintenance in the morning.

In the next couple of days we will be deploying other improvements like priority queuing for Legendary and Premium players, and soon we will be releasing Game Update 6 which has the conclusion to the Fortress of Solitude raid series and other game enhancements. We will continue to address concerns and enhance the game at a rapid rate moving forward. We are very excited about all of the new and returning players that have become part of the DCUO community. The free to Play launch has caused a lot of growing pains in a few short days but we will address the concerns and make every effort necessary to keep you playing and having fun in DC Universe Online.

Source: forums.station.sony.com

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DCUO Guides: How to gear up for end game content

Basically, gear is obtained by earning the right currency and buying the gear. Most of the level 30 gear is purchased from vendors in the Watchtower or the Hall of Doom. But some of the PvP gear is only available at the green lantern corps when your faction is in control of the Ring War battle zone. First off, lets look at the stats our gear provide.
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DCUO queues and 120K new PC players

During the last few days many DCUO players have experienced login queues and servers stability issues. DCUO team made several hotfixes but the MegaServers that allow all players to share the same realm within the game can not handle new requests. John Smedley, SOE’s President, announced on twitter today that over 120,000 PC players have signed up in last two days.
It’s great to see full servers again and we hope SOE will solve the problems soon, because this is their last chance to make comeback.

We are currently hotfixing both EU and US PC to correct an outstanding issue with queue positions. Players should now see a more accurate reflection of their place in the queue.



As folks have seen we have had some major issues today keeping our US Servers up and running. We are working very hard to correct the problem and we will be keeping the servers down until we can deploy new software to help us fix the issues. The response to our new Free to Play model has been overwhelming (literally) and we are very excited about all the new players in the game. We are working hard to make sure DC Universe Online is the best experience possible.

We will be reopening the server soon. Although we do not have a fix yet for this problem we have added additional code to try and catch and diagnose the problem. I apologize in advance if we crash again, but know that the information we get will help to make sure we solve this problem as quickly as possible.


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DCUO Guides: Hard Light Guide to DPS and Controlling

The hard light DPS blows Mental DPS out of the water, and this is coming from a (now) 98 SP Mental since launch. Again, I didn’t get a chance to test out ALL of the powers in instances, but the ones that I did, really, really impressed me. In addition, I have not tested ANY powers in PvP (with the exception of Chainsaw in a duel), so this post will focus on the PvE side of things.

The Basics Power Combos/Chaining:

This feature is what makes the HL powerset unique. If you look at the description of each power, you will see it gives you options to combo into other powers. The way you do this, is simply by using the commands the Power’s description tells you. For example, Light Claws says it can Combo into Mini-Gun, by using your “Ranged Hold” attack. So, once you cast Light Claws and the animation finishes, just hold your Ranged Attack button down.
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DCUO Guides: Fortress of Solitude Power Core

The Fortress of Solitude is an eight-man raid which requires the Tier 3 level armor. One of the main rewards for successful players is Marks of Krypton, which players can use for purchasing powerful new gear in the Watchtower or Hall of Doom.


  1. MAINTANK – 2500 DEFENSE, 100% TANK
  2. OFFTANK/DPS – GOOD TANK able to change to DPS
  4. CONTROLLERS – 800 VITAIZATION, If your trollers don’t know how to DEBUFF boot’em
  5. DPS – 1300 MIGHT and 250 PERCISION, If your DPS aren’t AMAZING you will not complete this raid


Power Girl/Bizzaro/Super Girl

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DCUO free to play maintenance has begun

Today is an exciting day for all DCUO fans because in the next few hours DCUO will be Free to Play. You can check out DCUO servers availability status on soe.com/status.

We will perform maintenance on DC Universe Online beginning at 4:00 a.m. US Pacific Time on November 1, 2011 to introduce Free to Play. Due to the complexity of this transition we are unable to provide an exact estimate but will provide updates throughout the day. Thanks for your patience and we look forward to seeing you in game!

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DCUO going Free to Play on November 1st 2011

Executive Producer Lorin Jameson and Creative Director Jens Anderson announced yesterday on the live webcast on the SOE channel on Stickam that DCUO is going Free to Play on November 1st, 2011. If you missed the Livestream, don’t worry the video will be available on the YouTube channel in the near future.

Well if you watched the Livestream just moments ago you heard the date for DCUO going Free To Play is November 1. If you missed the Livestream, don’t worry we’ll post the video on our YouTube channel so you can relive the announcement.
[Source – facebook.com/DCUniverseOnline]


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DCUO Free to Play Webcast


Next Thursday, October 27th, at 4:30 PM Pacific Time DCUO team will live stream the webcast on the SOE channel on Stickam! Executive Producer Lorin Jameson and Creative Director Jens Anderson will talk about the status of Free to Play and some upcoming, important dates, so you won’t want to miss this one! The webcast is expected to last about 30 minutes.
[Source – forums.station.sony.com]

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No official date for DCUO Free to Play launch

Today, Executive Producer Lorin “DeadMeat” Jameson posted the latest information about DCUO Free to Play launch:

I know there have been a lot of rumors and questions (and unfortunate incorrect statements) about when we will be launching our new Free-to-Play model and I did want to clear things up. We have not actually stated an official date yet but we are working hard and making great progress and we are close. We do want to make sure that everything is ready before we announce a date but we will try and give you plenty of advance notice when it will happen.
The maintenance and patch happening today on the PC Servers and soon on the PS3 ones are one of the final steps in getting ready. We are very excited about this launch and want to ensure that it is as smooth as possible. In Developer terms we are working towards a State (everything ready) not a Date. I know everyone wants to know when and we appreciate your patience on this.

– Deadmeat

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