DCUO Content Update 3 Info

During the last few days I came across some interesting information about DCUO Update 3:

  1. Update 3 includes a change that makes going into the vault every day rewarding even if you’re done collecting the green quality styles. [Tunso]
  2. A new Oolong Island Hard Mode Alert
    Oolong Island is where paradise meets mad science, and is home to some of the most off the wall DC Comics characters like Chang Tzu and T.O. Morrow. With characters this over the top and the massive brainpower unleashed in such an unrestrained setting, destructive robotics are bound to ensue.
  3. Featured Character: Ra’s al Ghul
    Who could resist sneaking in the back door of DC’s favorite international terrorist and assassin? This content is not for the weak though; the difficulty ramps up quickly and even experienced devs needed to pay close attention in our play tests in order not to wipeout in the first room. But hey, nobody said battling ninjas would be easy.
  4. Two-Face Duo
    This duo features some really compelling level design as players follow Harvey Dent aka Two-Face into The Penguin’s underground smuggling operation below the streets of Gotham City. Clayface makes a fantastic shape shifting appearance along the way that delivers on his character in a way we think the players will expect and appreciate. We really tried to capture The Penguin as a master criminal operating on a huge scale, but we still couldn’t resist the allure of robotic penguins – gotta love them!
  5. Poison Ivy vs. Swamp Thing
    Building on what we learned with past special events, this spring event pits two fan favorite characters in a battle that spans Gotham City. As Poison Ivy’s sinister plot unfolds tons of great combat action ensues, building on the game strengths in terms of action and iconic appeal. [Source ]
  6. As always there will be a number of enhancements, optimizations, bug fixes and general game improvements in the update as well.
  7. Update 3 is well underway, but doesn’t have a target release date yet. However, I can say that Ra’s Al Ghul, Swamp Thing, and a very intimidating version of Chang Tzu will make an appearance. [Wes Yanagi]
  8. Update 3 will have a few changes to help bolster the Plant tree in the Damage role. Both Briar and Harvest are losing their cast times so they won’t be interruptible any longer. Both will apply the 50% damage bonus in the Damage role, so you’ll have some damaging +50% bonus options. Finally Briar will cause some instant damage in addition to its normal damage over time. [Tunso]
  9. Now that the PSN is back up we will be able to get Update 3 into approvals soon. We should have more info soon out on this. I know everyone is very anxious to get there hands on the new update and we will push as hard as we can to get it to you soon. Sorry for the delay. [DeatMeat]
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More info about DCUO MegaServers

As RadarX previously announced, DCUO players can expect servers merge into 4 huge MegaServers. Lorin ‘DeadMeat’ Jameson, Executive Producer, DC Universe Online answered some of the questions that have popped up on the forums and Facebook about MegaServers:

Why are you creating MegaServers?

We have a very large and active population in DCUO. As players achieve higher levels, a lot more of the game involves participating in Raids, Arenas, Duos, Alerts, and other queued instances. After examining how the queues were working in detail, we saw our players were spending far too much time waiting and not enough time playing. This just would not do. We wanted an approach that would not only help players waiting for queued content, but ensured that no matter when you play, there are a maximum number of people in the cities as well. MegaServers offers a way to have an incredible experience no matter what your play habits are.

I am on a PvP server. Will I still be with other PvP players when I get to a MegaServer?

Yes! MegaServers use “phasing” technology, meaning there is more than one version, or phase, of Metropolis and Gotham on the server. Players who selected PvP servers when they created their characters will always be in a PvP phase of the shared world with other PvP players. The same goes for PvE players; They will always be placed in PvE phases. However, since the queues will be shared, PvE and PvP players will be able to group up for Alerts, Raids, Duos, etc. greatly increasing the pool of available players for matchmaking. It is a very cool system that really maximizes the people online, and nearby, for you to play with.

Will I still be able to play with my friends?

Yes! We have algorithms that will attempt to place you in the same phase as your friends and League members. Even if you end up in a different phase, you can almost always phase to your friends. Using the UI, or a command like /phase SooperBFF you will be relocated to SooperBFF’s phase in the same location that you phased from. There will be some limitations on when you can phase based on whether you are in combat, in an Alert or Duo, etc. but I think you will find it is easy to get together with the folks you want to play with.

MegaServers? Why that name?

It just felt big. Putting hundreds of thousands of folks on the same server felt Mega! We considered ‘UberServers’ and ‘MonsterServers’ as well.

Can players be in the same League even if they are PvE or PvP players.

I’m afraid not, at least not initially. Since everyone is mixed together in Arenas, Alerts, etc. we disabled PvP and PvE flagged folks from joining in Leagues together. I will look at it though and prehaps we can find a way around that in the future.

What is going to happen in regards to characters’ names?

There will of course be name collisions. We are still working out the details, but in general when names collide we will choose who gets to keep the name based on the amount of time investment a player has in the character. For example, if two folks have the same name, are both subscribers, and one has 100 hours played for a character and another has 5, the 100 hour player will get to keep the name. The other character’s name will be changed and they will receive a rename token to allow them a name change. Some of these details may change but this is the general concept.

I know many folks like the name@server approach, but this is not a case of players being able to move from one server to another (or just chatting between servers) as in other games. Everyone is on one server, even if they are not in the same phase. The @ sign approach creates a ton of problems for Customer Support, Community and frankly for the players.

Also there is the issue of new characters once the MegaServers are deployed. What would be the meaning or purpose of an @ name?

I know we cannot please everyone on this (that is impossible frankly). We will however be fair and consistent. We have analyzed the DB and although naming collisions will affect thousands, in the end, it is still less than 5% of the subscribed players. We will of course keep listening to feedback and your ideas. Although the system is mostly done, we will consider any ideas that could solve the problems in a more elegant way.

Will we be able to switch our characters to PvP “phases” if we were originally on a PvE server, and vice versa?

I am afraid not. Server select will be replaced by choosing PvE or PvP for your new character and that will forever tie you to the appropriate phase. Leveling up a character in PvP is honestly more difficult (i have the brusies to prove it). Being able to switch back and forth between the two would not be fair.

What is going to change, if anything, about collection spawn rate and placement for spawns when super servers come up?

You shouldn’t see a change to collection spawning within a zone based on the MegaServers. You may find that the market for collectables changes as there will be a larger pool of people listing and buying them on the broker.


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Sony releases new PS3 system software update v3.61

Sony has officially announced a new software update for PlayStation Network. According to the US PS Blog, this update requires all PSN users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. The update (v3.61) is mandatory and is available now.

If using a PS3, your password can only be changed on your own PS3 (or a PS3 on which your PSN account was activated), as an added layer of security. If you have never downloaded any content using your account on the system, an email will be sent to the registered sign-in ID (email address) associated with your account when you first attempt to sign-in to PSN. This e-mail will contain a link that will enable you to change your password. In this email, click on the link and follow the instructions to change your password. Once you have changed your password you can sign-in to your account using your new password.

We strongly recommend that all PSN account holders with PS3s update their systems to prepare for when PlayStation Network is back online. The release of this update is a critical step as we work to make PlayStation Network significantly more secure. Thank you for your continued support and patience.

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Sony Service Restoration Update

Last week Sony had press conference in Tokyo, Japan. The information contained in the official Press Release stated that PlayStation Network should be available within a week. A week has passed and Sony customers still can’t play any game.

Today, Sony made a new announcement, but this time no date has been specified when customers can expect PlayStation Network to be up:

As you may know, we’ve begun the process of restoring the service through internal testing of the new system. We’re still working to confirm the security of the network infrastructure, as well as working with a variety of outside entities to confirm with them of the security of the system. Verifying the system security is vital for the process of restoration. Additional comprehensive system checks and testing are still required, and we must complete that process before bringing the systems online.

As you’ve heard us say, our utmost priorities are the security of the network and ensuring your data is safe. We won’t restore the services until we can test the system’s strength in these respects.

When we held the press conference in Japan last week, based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week. We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system. We know many of you are wanting to play games online, chat with your friends and enjoy all of the services PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have to offer, and trust me when I say we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. We will update you with more information as soon as we have it. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience of this network outage.


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Free month and Batman mask for DCUO players


On the Official Facebook page, Sony Online Entertainment has confirmed that DCUO players will have extended thirty day subscriptions and Batman mask for their characters.

We wanted to provide everyone with a quick update regarding the “make good” plan you’ve been reading about. First, all impacted players will receive 30 days subscription credit plus one day for each day the service was unavailable. Also every impacted player will receive a Batman™-Inspired mask appearance item. Please bear with us as the complexities of the subscription server dictate how and when this will be available along with pertinent details. We will be releasing more information this week. Thanks again for your patience!


The recent FAQ updates about the criminal attack on SOE network:

When will SOE’s services be back online?
We have been working around the clock to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some of our games and services up and running soon. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we believe that the network is secure.

How is the SOE intrusion related to the PSN/Qriocity intrusion? Was this a second attack on SOE?
While the two systems are distinct and operated separately, given that they are both under the Sony umbrella, there is some degree of overlap in design. The attacks were similar in nature. This is NOT a second attack; new information has been discovered as part of our ongoing investigation into the criminal attack in April.

How is SOE planning to notify customers whose data may have been stolen?
We are sending out customer service notification emails to the email addresses we have on file for the accounts that were affected. These emails will be sent by Innovyx, our third party email distributor, and contained either ‘soe.innovyx.net’ or ‘soe.sony.com’ in the sender field.

SOE initially thought no data was extracted, what changed?
Essentially the perpetrators used sophisticated means not only to access the data, but also to cover their tracks. We committed to continue the investigation and in doing so, uncovered further information that we did not have when we initially believed the data was not stolen.



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Only 4 servers for DCUO players?

RadarX announced servers merge for US and European PC and PS3 DCUO players:

We have heard your concerns about queue times on the servers. This game is about people playing and fighting together so we feel your pain. Sometime in the next month, we are going to test new technology to meld all of our US and European PC and PS3 servers into four Super-Servers, one for each platform in each region.

This will allow for more opportunities to queue and participate in other group related game mechanics. We are hoping to get this on our PC Test Server to start testing, again, sometime in the next month and then will tune it up for the PS3 platform as well. As soon as we know more about testing and timing we will let you know. But, believe this – it is one of our top priorities. Again, thanks for your patience, we appreciate your support.

We’ll have more details at a future date.


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DCUO Guides: Caging Penguin Instance

Caging Penguin is a new challenge mission, part of March update, which seems to be the hardest solo mission in the game. If you underestimate the bosses you will definitely pay for it! For players who have Tire 2 or Tier 1 armor this instance is little easier, but can be done without raid gear as well. The instance is in Gotham – Burnley, inside Gotham Old Subway. The boss fights are basically mini lessons for new 30s on how to do raid boss fights. They are teaching you to learn to block and do range and worry about phase changes.

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Marks Rewards in DCUO

Note: Last update February the 6th 2012.

If you wonder how to collect different DCUO Marks this guide will give you the main answers.

Common bugs:
If you press the Loot button before the Mark has a chance to settle and stop movin’, after the Bosses are dead, it might bug out and not drop.

If one of the players (in a raid, duo, or alert) loots the items and their bag is full you will NOT get loot.
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DCUO PS3 Digital Download Available


DC Universe Online is now available for purchase and download from the PlayStation Store. Jump in now and join thousands of other players online in the first massively-multiplayer world to offer physics-based action combat on the PlayStation3 computer entertainment system. In DC Universe Online you create your own customized hero or villain and fight with or against legendary DC characters such as Batman, Superman and The Joker, or take your new super powers and dominate other players in massive online battles. Log in to your PSN account and select New Releases to find and download DC Universe Online.

Make sure that once you have downloaded and installed the game, you return to the PlayStation Store and select ‘DC Universe Online Activation’ to activate your free month subscription that’s included with this purchase.

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The List of Wanted Bosses For Heroes

Throughout the game of DCUO there are several wanted poster quests that require you to kill a certain boss. Most of the time you will not need to get the quest from the poster, upon attacking the monster you will receive it. HOWEVER not all of the time this will work. Posters are located within Police Station. Upon completing a quest by turning it in, you will receive a piece of gear the FIRST time you do it. All of these quests are repeatable and reward Renown.

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